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Breakthrough! The labor education project of Xiangtan University of Technology was awarded the Excellent Teaching Achievement Award in Provincial Higher Education

Xue Rui zhong 2022/05/27 Readings:721

On May 24th, the Education Department of Hunan Province announced the award-winning projects of the 13th Hunan Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award. As the first hosting unit, Xiangtan University of Technology, in collaboration with Hunan Geely Automotive Vocational and Technical College and Hunan Geely Automotive Parts Co., Ltd., won the third prize for "Practice led, Multi dimensional Collaboration - Exploration and Practice of Labor Education Curriculum Reform in Local Applied Universities", achieving a breakthrough of zero in this award.

In recent years, Xiangtan University of Technology and Hunan Geely Automobile Vocational and Technical College have conscientiously implemented the spirit of documents such as the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening Labor Education in Primary, Secondary and Primary Schools in the New Era, and the Implementation Opinions of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Government on Strengthening Labor Education in Primary, Secondary and Primary Schools in the New Era, and have carried out a series of vivid practices around labor education.

The two schools have achieved a "four synergy" pattern by making labor education a compulsory course with 3 credits, setting up a "Happy Farm" to guide students to work for 1 hour a day, and reforming the evaluation mechanism to enhance the enthusiasm of teachers and students in labor. This includes the coordination of ideological and political education with labor practice, agricultural labor with enterprise labor, student labor with teacher labor, and public welfare labor and work study assistance.

The two schools have signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hunan Geely Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. to deepen the integration of industry and education, as well as school enterprise cooperation. Through setting up internship factories in enterprises and selecting technical and management experts with both moral and professional abilities as guidance teachers, the spirit of craftsmanship and continuous improvement have been made mandatory contents of student internship practice, further expanding the space, function, and effect of labor education practice.

The labor education of the two schools not only has a positive educational effect, but also has a significant social impact. In March of this year, the labor education of the two schools became a hot topic on the internet; On April 4th, China Education Daily conducted a special report and experience promotion on the implementation of labor education in schools.

The Hunan Province Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award is selected every three years. This is the first time since the establishment of Xiangtan University of Technology that it has applied for educational and teaching achievements. The person in charge of this achievement is Teacher Fu Yao, member of the school party committee and director of the news center. Teacher Xu Mei, member of the school youth league committee, and teachers Fu Wei, Zhang Quan, and Ji Youyu from Geely Vocational College are project members who have completed the relevant work according to their respective responsibilities.