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Xiangtan Institute of Technology Holds 2023 Graduation Ceremony: The Power of Dreams!

XIT 2023/06/16 Readings:137

In the midst of summer blossoms and lively melodies, the graduation ceremony for the 2023 graduates of North Jin College (Xiangtan University) was grandly held on the morning of June 16th at the university's track and field stadium. Graduates, dressed in bachelor's degree robes and filled with excitement and joy, gathered for this significant moment in their lives. Professor Liu Guoquan, Vice President of Hunan University of Business and Technology, attended the graduation ceremony and delivered a speech. Professor Yuan Libin, Chairman of the Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee and President of the university, also attended the ceremony, encouraging graduates to pursue their dreams, march forward with determination, and bravely shoulder the responsibilities of the times. He awarded degree certificates and tassels to representatives of the graduates.

The graduation ceremony commenced with the majestic national anthem. Vice President Liu Guoquan of Hunan University of Business and Technology delivered the opening speech. On behalf of the university, he warmly congratulated the 2023 graduates on successfully completing their studies and embarking on a new journey in life, heading towards higher, farther, and greater stages. He mentioned that the 2023 graduates are the final batch of students from North Jin College of Hunan University of Business and Technology. Their smooth graduation signifies the successful completion of the 22-year history of North Jin College. He encouraged the graduates to maintain a lifelong learning attitude, gaze at the stars with courage, shine like a star, and strive forward through hard work. He wished them success in opening a new chapter in life through perseverance and struggle.

Professor Zhu Yumei, Vice President, read out the decision to grant graduation and bachelor's degrees. This year, a total of 1833 graduates successfully completed their studies. Among them, 1643 graduates received graduation certificates and bachelor's degrees from North Jin College, and 190 graduates from adult education programs received graduation certificates and bachelor's degrees from Xiangtan University.

Professor Ma Weiping, Vice President, read out the documents recognizing the outstanding graduates of ordinary higher education institutions in Hunan Province for the 2023 academic year and the outstanding graduates of the university for the same year. Fifty-four students were recognized as provincial outstanding graduates, while four students were acknowledged as provincial outstanding graduates in innovation and entrepreneurship. One hundred ninety-three students, including Chen Sheng, were named university-level outstanding graduates, and four students, including Zhou Jie, were recognized as university-level outstanding graduates in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Chen Weidong, Dean of North Jin College (Changsha Campus), Wang Wenping, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Zhao Chan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiangtan University, presented certificates of honor to provincial and university-level outstanding graduates. They encouraged the graduates to cherish their honors, guard against arrogance and impatience, forge ahead with determination, integrate their personal ideals into the cause of the party and the country, and run vigorously on the track of youth, striving for more achievements.

Wu Jingling, a student from the Marketing Class of 1922 in the School of Business, represented all the graduates in expressing sincere thanks to the leaders and teachers for their hard work. She recalled the four years of university life, from the hardships of military training, the dedication in the study room, the sweat on the sports field, the rush for courses in front of the computer, to the tireless guidance of teachers and planting chili seedlings in the "Happy Farm." These vivid scenes were vivid in her memory. She emphasized that the four years of university study and practice, guided by the motto of "unity of knowledge and action, and excellence," inspired her to "learn in action and act in learning." Through continuous improvement, she laid a solid foundation for her future growth and success. She said, "Graduation is like a big exclamation mark. From now on, we will bid farewell to a period of innocent youth, a time of youthful recklessness, and an age full of fantasies... In the future journey, we may face various storms and reefs, experience various difficulties and obstacles, but we are prepared to overcome difficulties and face challenges!"

Amidst enthusiastic applause, Professor Liu Guoquan and President Yuan Libin presented degree certificates and tassels to twelve student representatives one by one, congratulating them on successfully completing their studies and encouraging them to contribute to society and repay society with the knowledge they have acquired.

On behalf of the university, President Yuan Libin extended warm congratulations to all the students who successfully completed their studies and expressed heartfelt thanks for the support and cooperation of Hunan University of Business and Technology over the past four years. He recalled the little by little growth and progress of the 2023 graduates with the university and gave full affirmation to the achievements of the graduates. He shared three reflections on graduation.

First is "dreams." He expressed that without dreams, it is not called youth. Dreams are an important driving force in life. Any great figure puts national ideals above financial interests. The three regions of Hunan, Xiang, and Dong have nurtured a group of great people. He shared the story of the youth of Mao Zedong in Hunan, emphasizing that revolutionary leaders like Comrade Mao Zedong, representing the old generation of proletarian revolutionaries, did not come from impoverished backgrounds. They harbored the revolutionary ideals of changing old China, persevered, and successfully established the new China. He hoped that everyone would remember the "greatness of the country," connect their youthful years and ambitious aspirations with the modernization of China, aim high, not be moved by petty gains, be persistent and resolute, not be trapped by setbacks and dangers. He encouraged them to strive for self-improvement, continue to work hard, and achieve a beautiful life through dedication.


Second is "planning." Each generation has its responsibilities. The young people of the Z generation will shoulder the heavy responsibility of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The next five years are crucial for all graduates. On the one hand, the country faces significant economic pressure, and everyone should quickly find employment and start their own businesses. On the other hand, the five years after graduation are a critical period for understanding society and the country. He hoped that the students would rediscover their coordinates through practice.


Third is "reading." He encouraged everyone to persist in lifelong learning, read more books, engage in more practical activities, find nourishment from books, open up wisdom through practice, and achieve a happy life.


After the completion of the main program of the graduation ceremony, President Yuan Libin, as the Chairman of the Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee and President of the university, individually handed out tassels and degree certificates to more than 1000 graduates who participated in the ceremony. He warmly shook hands and took photos with the graduates, wishing them a bright future and happiness.


In order to help graduates better preserve the precious memories of their graduation moment, the Student Affairs Office specially prepared customized photo frames for each student to hold their wonderful photos from the graduation ceremony. Many students expressed that being able to receive tassels and certificates personally from the president and leaving precious photos was a particularly memorable experience. They planned to place the developed photos in the frames provided by the school as a permanent memento.

Voices from the Heart · Blessings

 Graduates: Gratitude for four years of encounters and struggles!

"In four years of university, we've faced challenges and reaped rewards. We are very grateful to the teachers for giving us the courage to try, the determination to strive, and the care for our growth. We feel fortunate to have met so many interesting and sincere friends here. Grateful for this encounter! The future is promising!" Li Xiangfeng, a marketing student from the class of 1921, previously served as the first chairman of the school's New Youth Media. During his time at school, he participated in many promotional activities and reports. He expressed gratitude for the solid foundation laid for future development through four years of learning and practice.

Deng Wensheng from Information Management 1922, Gu Junhao from Industrial Management 1921, and Chen Yunlong from Industrial Management 1922, three graduating students, were recognized as provincial-level outstanding graduates in innovation and entrepreneurship this year. They stated that they plan to embark on entrepreneurship in the field of new retail supermarkets, bringing out the spirit of "daring to be the first and persevering" of Hunan's culture. "Since the enrollment of the class of 2021, we have considered the inconvenience of living for younger students living in the northern part of the school due to the large campus size. Therefore, we started our entrepreneurial journey from part-time campus express delivery to introducing the Meituan selection program. While enriching our college life, we have also realized personal value. Thanks for the university life on this warm land. In the upcoming entrepreneurial process, we will continue to forge ahead!"


"It's very happy to reunite with classmates at the graduation ceremony and conclude our university life with a perfect ending. I sincerely hope that all graduates will have a bright future." Chen Yingjuan from Chinese 1922 class said, after four years of university life, her biggest change was learning to adjust emotions, balance study and life better, and through participating in some extracurricular activities, she made many friends, gaining a clearer understanding of herself. She will strive towards a more beautiful future along the direction of her inner self.


Parents: The four years of growth for children are gratifying!

With concern and blessings for his nephew, Li Zilong, his uncle came to the graduation ceremony. For Li Zilong, who already has a complete work plan after completing his studies, his uncle expressed that in the four years of university, he saw many of Li Zilong's growth and progress, feeling gratified. "Zilong has learned a solid and firm foundation of theoretical knowledge and professional skills. I hope that he will continue to learn from society with the mindset of a 'primary school student' when stepping onto the stage of society in the future. Don't be afraid of difficulties in life, boldly pursue your dreams!"


He Yupeng, a computer science student from the class of 1921, was admitted to the master's program in computer technology at Hengyang Normal University this year. His mother was also invited to the scene to attend the graduation ceremony. She happily said that four years of study and exercise made He Yupeng more independent. She hopes that he will continue to study seriously on the road of future postgraduate studies and delve into knowledge thoroughly. "From the first time I came to school until now, I found that the changes in the school are particularly significant. I hope that the school will train more talents in the future and develop better!"

Junior brothers and sisters: Wishing the senior brothers and sisters of the class of 2023 a flourishing journey in life!


"The stars do not disappoint travelers, and time does not let down those with a heart. I sincerely wish that the senior brothers and sisters of the class of 2023 will always maintain a firm and passionate attitude towards life, study, and work, shining in their respective fields!" Liu Weijing from Chinese 2105 class said she learned many excellent qualities from her senior brothers and sisters, such as being proactive, positive, and optimistic. She believes that as long as they don't forget their original intentions and continue to forge ahead, they will surely have a bright future.


"Far away dreams of mountains and rivers, clear-eyed childlike hearts. I wish the senior brothers and sisters a flourishing future in the future, whether in work or study, they can achieve a better self! Congratulations again on the graduation of senior brothers and sisters!" Tang Chanjin from Finance 2101 said at the graduation ceremony, deeply feeling the joy of academic success and the reluctance of graduation. While wishing senior brothers and sisters a happy graduation and a boundless future, she will cherish her university time even more and strive to grow as the master of her own growth through persistence and effort.


Shu Yuran from Law 2201 believes that graduation is the story of millions of summers, different summers, but the same farewell, and unchanging are the beautiful wishes and endless expectations. "I wish the senior brothers and sisters to take root in faith, be free in spirit, have a broad future in the road of life, and every summer they pass through is lush and full of vitality! Let us with more confident, solid, and heroic actions prove that our tomorrow will be extremely beautiful!"


Graduation · Embarkment

Wishing the class of 2023 graduates a bright future and a fragrant journey all the way!