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Xiangtan Institute of Technology, Year of the Dragon, Working Like This →

XIT 2024/03/10 Readings:272

With the return of spring and the cycle of laws, everything is renewed. At the beginning of the new semester, on the afternoon of February 27th, Xiangtan Institute of Technology held a general meeting of all faculty and staff in the library lecture hall, where President Yuan Libin made specific arrangements for the work of the new semester. All university leaders attended the meeting, and all faculty and staff participated. Party Secretary Zhao Chan presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, President Yuan Libin first shared the basic situation of the team's visit to Europe for inspection in January this year, and focused on introducing the successful experience of running schools at the Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences in Germany and the first dual-system university in Germany, the Baden-Württemberg Dual System Applied Technology University.


He stated that Xiangtan Institute of Technology should learn from and draw on the advanced experience and culture of excellent international universities, adhere to the central task of cultivating morality and educating people, actively promote the integration of industry and education, actively embrace the world, society, and industry, fully utilize resources from international and domestic, schools and industries, online and offline, and promote a pragmatic and meticulous campus culture, cultivate high-quality applied talents, and achieve high-quality development of the university.


President Yuan made specific arrangements for the work of the new semester.


Adhere to the leadership of party building. Thoroughly study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on education issues, face the world and the future, emancipate the mind, compare with the Ministry of Education's conditions for running applied universities and training standards, innovate the concept of educating people, consolidate the foundation of running schools, truly grasp practical work, and strive to cultivate builders and successors who are comprehensive in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor.


Establish an open, competitive, cooperative, and progressive education and teaching platform. First, through improving various mechanisms, create a rigorous, standardized, open, and transparent competitive mechanism, stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers and students, and form a schooling mechanism focusing on quality and positive interaction. Second, focus on the training orientation and objectives of various majors to deepen education and teaching reform. Take promoting curriculum construction as a top priority and create a batch of "excellent courses" to drive the improvement of teaching standards. Promote comprehensive practical teaching projects, and through the form of "enterprises coming in, teachers and students going out," realize school-enterprise collaborative education. Third, focus on the construction of disciplinary and professional groups around the development of the Xiangjiang New Area and the socio-economic development of Xiangtan City. Each disciplinary and professional group is connected to an industrial chain to build a new model of school-enterprise integration development. Fourth, strengthen the construction of teaching basic capacity, encourage young teachers to do well in teaching, and continuously improve the level of education and teaching.

Do student work around innovation and entrepreneurship. The central task of student work is to practice the CFAP talent training model, cultivate students' comprehensive qualities, and build a platform for training and tempering students. First, define the goals of student work in accordance with the requirements of the times, with a focus on cultivating habits in the freshman year, helping students make the transition from secondary school to university, and cultivating habits of self-management and self-growth; from the sophomore to senior years, focus on cultivating students' innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, professional abilities, and the spirit of daring to challenge and emancipating themselves. Second, strengthen the construction of the student work team. Counselors should go to enterprises and society more, break through themselves, lead students to actively participate in practice, and strive to cultivate a team of counselors who adhere to their ideals and beliefs, have a broad vision, understand society, are familiar with enterprises, and can win battles. Third, do a good job in innovative entrepreneurship practice. Lead students to find innovative entrepreneurship opportunities in practice, and solve problems and develop at the grassroots level; the student work team should go out of the campus, focus on cultivating people with morality, liberate their minds, remove constraints, comprehensively promote the CFAP talent training model, and promote students' growth into talents. Fourth, strengthen safety management and effectively guard the safety bottom line. Strengthen management and education in traffic safety, electrical safety, information network security, etc., guide all teachers and students to establish civilized habits and safety awareness, and create a "civilized army."


Provide first-class administrative and logistical services for teachers and students around talent cultivation. First, adhere to the user-centric thinking, strengthen quality awareness, comprehensively promote satisfaction surveys of teachers and students, safeguard the right of teachers and students to speak and evaluate, promote the improvement of the quality of administrative and logistical services. Second, through extensive solicitation of opinions and suggestions from teachers and students, full participation, and full efforts to do a good job in water and electricity conservation, cost reduction, and efficiency enhancement.


President Yuan emphasized that in 2024, Xiangtan Institute of Technology will welcome its first graduates. The whole university should attach great importance to the employment of the 2024 graduates, give full play to the advantages of enterprise-oriented education, pool efforts, and seek high-quality employment opportunities and positions for the graduates.


In her speech, Secretary Zhao Chan pointed out that in the just-passed 2023, under the unremitting efforts of all faculty and staff, the school achieved rapid development and made significant progress. School construction and development are long-term and systematic projects that require perseverance and continuous efforts. She hopes that all faculty and staff will conscientiously implement the spirit of this meeting and various arrangements, unify their thinking, gather consensus, form a joint force in thinking about major issues, planning major issues, and accomplishing major issues, continue to think together, work together, and strive together, and jointly write a new chapter in the construction and development of the school.