How will the Russia-Ukraine conflict affect the world? International relations expert Chen Xiaohong has a cold eye on hot topics
Xu Yan 2022/03/04 Readings:914
What kind of impact will the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine have on the world? On the afternoon of March 1st, at the invitation of the School of Marxism at Xiangtan University of Technology, Professor Chen Xiaohong, an international relations research expert and doctoral supervisor at Hunan Normal University, delivered a special report titled "Cold Eyes on Hot Spots - China's Surrounding Geopolitical Situation and Countermeasures" at the Academic Lecture Hall of the Third University. More than 300 teachers and students attended the report to study. Zhao Chan, Secretary of the School Party Committee, presided over the report meeting.
Focusing on the hot issues such as the situation on the Korean Peninsula, China DPRK friendship, the situation in Southeast Asia, the South China Sea issue, China India relations, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Professor Chen Xiaohong explained one by one in simple terms, combining detailed information, and incisively analyzed the complexity, diversity, diversity of political interests and global characteristics of the security situation around China.
How should young students in the new era view the international situation and China's foreign policy correctly? At the end of the report, Professor Chen Xiaohong emphasized to the students the basic background of China's foreign policy and national position, advocating for students to rationally view the international situation, break out of "small circles", face the international "big stage", calmly observe the world situation with a scientific perspective and rational attitude, truly distinguish right from wrong, and fully understand foreign policy.